Eleanor attended her first golf tournament this week – and also knocked out her first time falling asleep watching people play golf – hard to say if it was the missed nap, the fresh air, or the sheer bordom of watching golf.  Grandma and Grandpa were in town for a few days, so they got some quality Ellie time, and I think definitely noticed some changes from their last visit.  As Eleanor gets better at communicating (we now have a definite noise for “Yes” – sort of sounds like “Uh-Huh”, as well as a head shake for “No”) we are realizing how much she understands.  Verbally, she is still limited to “Mama” and “Dada”, and a few other sounds that only Mom and Dad can understand.  But listening she understands a whole host of words and even phrases.  She is also doing a lot more imitating, while Skyping with Papa and Mimi, she copied Mimi standing up and sitting down.

Other firsts for this week:

  • Walking Backwards (and even on command!)
  • Saying “Ball” and “Duck”



One response to “FORE!”

  1. Auntie Susan Avatar
    Auntie Susan

    It’s okay, E….watching golf puts me to sleep as well. She is growing too fast…..  :(