• From July 2019. Enjoy! First Arrival Backyard Explorer Zapa Henry Describes our Moving Day Double Rainbow Mowing the Lawn Emerging from Antelope Canyon Grand Canyon Hike Number Shapes Surf Camp Fireworks When it Rains it Pours

  • From June 2019. Enjoy! A Minecraft Play Carnival Trick Crazy Karaoke Eleanor Skyline Presentation Henry Found Some Ducks Liberty Ladder Climb One More Day

  • From May 2019. Enjoy! Happy Birthday Monkey! Swinging and Chickens Trampoline Jump Wacky Whiteboarding Working on the New Scooter

  • With just a few short weeks till school starts, we decided to take a quick drive up to explore Disneyland. The kids were pretty excited about it, and we spent some time picking out the rides and characters that we…

  • This week we celebrated Eleanor’s Birthday! We were super lucky to have Lala with us for the celebration to make it extra special. Eleanor got to choose all the activities for her big day, and she started by planning out…

  • Eleanor and Henry had a fantastic trip up the coast to visit our CA cousins in the Bay Area. They explored Berkeley a bit, the Oakland Zoo, the local pool, and In and Out burger (their first!) and of course…

  • We had a bit of a down week in the midst of a busy summer, so we decided to get the kiddos into surf camp! I think Mom and Dad may have been a bit more excited about the whole…

  • Eleanor and Henry had a blast celebrating the 4th of July in our new home town. We attended the local parade, had a fun afternoon and then enjoyed three different fireworks shows. The most impressive was the downtown show which…

  • Well, it was a sprint to the finish and a trip filled with lots of bumps, but we made it out to San Diego in one piece – two tired parents, two extra tired kiddos, and one thoroughly displeased cat.…

  • Hard to believe, but it is our last week in Chicago and we are hitting up all the final items on our bucket list. We did Buckingham fountain, the Art Institute and the Museum of Contemporary Art with our friends…