Eleanor and Henry celebrated their last day of school this week! Henry’s class had a last day party and invited the parents in to see some of the work they did all year, and to watch an end of the…
Happy Birthday Uncle B!
Henry and Eleanor had a surprise visit from Uncle B on Sunday for an early birthday celebration. They were both super excited and had a bunch of fun, especially in Henry’s room where he invented a game where Henry and…
From the week ending 2/26. Enjoy! Bucket Car Ride Foot Dance Knock Knock Peter Pan Knock Knock Magic Silverware Mickey Mouse Papa Air Hockey Reading to Papa Stuck on Buzz Lightyear Bucket Rides T-Rex Cafe Roar Waiting to Meet Anna
From the weeks of 2/5 and 2/12. Enjoy! Going to Disney Music with our Feet Swimming Science Valves Slime Swimming
The weeks of 1/15, 1/22 and 1/29. Enjoy! Car Stretching The Show (long) Circus Show Ramp Cars Training Wheels Swimming Zapa Does a Puzzle
Happy Memorial Day
Eleanor and Henry had a party packed weekend to celebrate Memorial Day. First, on Friday night we visited a friends house for BBQ Brisket (Eleanor and Henry stuck to hot dogs), Henry enjoyed playing with the older kids and got…
Costume Suprises!
Twice this week Eleanor and Henry surprised us with some fantastic costumes. First, on Friday night after putting the kids to bed, Mom and Dad were enjoying a movie when Eleanor and Henry crept down the stairs. We were about…
Happy Mother’s Day
Eleanor and Henry had a fun weekend celebrating Mother’s Day. We started the morning with special pancakes for Mom for breakfast. Eleanor wanted one shaped like a flower with a chocolate chip heart, and Henry made one with a chocolate…
Eleanor and Henry finished off a fun week by making pretzels with Uncle B and Aunt Breanne. They were pretty excited about the prospect, and the turned out very tasty. Henry liked cinnamon sugar on his, while Eleanor preferred salt.…
Happy Birthday Monkey!
Eleanor and Henry celebrated Monkey’s birthday this weekend with a string trail. Everyone wrapped up a gift for Monkey, and Eleanor made two cards, and then She and Henry set up a string trail for Monkey to follow and find…