Dada’s Shoes Kick! Dipping
Happy Birthday Saul!
We capped off this week with a birthday celebration for Saul, with lots of visitors! In addition to cousin Saul, we had Auntie Shawnee, Uncle J, Papa, Mimi, Aunt Karen and Great Grandma Geneva all in town. It was Henry’s…
Slide Stomp! Spinning Dizzy
Two Months!
Henry hit his two month birthday this week, and we celebrated with the standard family photo routine. We’ve moved Eleanor’s photos to the 16th to match Henry – so her 18 month picture is also included and a bit late.…
A Few Videos
Enjoy! Fun With Water Peeling an Orange Saying Mac and Cheese Kisses are for Penguins Only
8 Weeks and 18 Months!
This week Henry hit 8 weeks old, and Eleanor hit 18 Months! Eleanor continues to add new words to her vocabulary, this week adding roll, red, orange, and the mac of mac and cheese. She is getting used to Henry…
Learning to run, saying Eleanor and the case of the missing monkey
Enjoy! Learning to Run Missing Monkey Saying Eleanor
A Month of Videos!
Enjoy! Eating with a Spoon Henry’s First Bottle Week ending the 1st Week ending the 8th Week of the 15th Week ending the 22nd Week ending the 29th And a few from December!
Super Bowl Week
Two sick kiddos and one sick parent conspired against Henry attending his first Super Bowl party – there’s always next year! The good news is that Henry finally seems to be on the mend after almost two weeks of a cough/cold. …
Henry’s Six Week Birthday!
Henry turned Six Weeks old on Friday, and he is definitely starting to show his age! This week his sleeping schedule has started to regulate, with a number of through the night sleeps. He is also more alert during his awake…