• Eleanor and Henry celebrated their last day of school this week! Henry’s class had a last day party and invited the parents in to see some of the work they did all year, and to watch an end of the…

  • Henry and Eleanor had a surprise visit from Uncle B on Sunday for an early birthday celebration. They were both super excited and had a bunch of fun, especially in Henry’s room where he invented a game where Henry and…

  • From the week ending 2/26. Enjoy! Bucket Car Ride Foot Dance Knock Knock Peter Pan Knock Knock Magic Silverware Mickey Mouse Papa Air Hockey Reading to Papa Stuck on Buzz Lightyear Bucket Rides T-Rex Cafe Roar Waiting to Meet Anna

  • From the weeks of 2/5 and 2/12. Enjoy! Going to Disney Music with our Feet Swimming Science Valves Slime Swimming

  • The weeks of 1/15, 1/22 and 1/29. Enjoy! Car Stretching The Show (long) Circus Show Ramp Cars Training Wheels Swimming Zapa Does a Puzzle

  • Eleanor and Henry had a party packed weekend to celebrate Memorial Day. First, on Friday night we visited a friends house for BBQ Brisket (Eleanor and Henry stuck to hot dogs), Henry enjoyed playing with the older kids and got…

  • Twice this week Eleanor and Henry surprised us with some fantastic costumes. First, on Friday night after putting the kids to bed, Mom and Dad were enjoying a movie when Eleanor and Henry crept down the stairs. We were about…

  • Eleanor and Henry had a fun weekend celebrating Mother’s Day. We started the morning with special pancakes for Mom for breakfast. Eleanor wanted one shaped like a flower with a chocolate chip heart, and Henry made one with a chocolate…

  • Eleanor and Henry finished off a fun week by making pretzels with Uncle B and Aunt Breanne. They were pretty excited about the prospect, and the turned out very tasty. Henry liked cinnamon sugar on his, while Eleanor preferred salt.…

  • Eleanor and Henry celebrated Monkey’s birthday this weekend with a string trail. Everyone wrapped up a gift for Monkey, and Eleanor made two cards, and then She and Henry set up a string trail for Monkey to follow and find…
